The student representation at program level acts on the most personal level of your ÖH, they are your first point of contact for any questions concerning your study program. They advise you and help you with questions pertaining to your studies, they will also talk to faculty and professors for you about any issues that may occur!

The student representation election is one of individual candidates, that means candidates are personally and directly elected for your study program. Depending on the size of your program, your student representation consists of 3 to 5 individuals who are your first point of contact for your field of studies. 

At this level, you can cast your vote for 3 to 5 individuals – depending on how many students are in your program. In addition to your student representation, representatives for your year as well as campus representatives and faculty representatives can be put into place. These are not elected directly; you can request more information on electing representatives at this level at your institution’s Students’ Union.

Your institution’s Students’ Union has more information on the candidates for your program-level representation. Depending on how many students are in your program, you may elect between 3 and 5 representatives. Note: The student representation election is one of individual candidates, that means you can choose names from a list of candidates.